IEEE Day Celebration 2020 đ
IEEE DAY 2020 We invite you to celebrate the 2nd Annual IEEE Day of the IEEE Student Branch of the University of Vocational Technology on ...
We invite you to celebrate the 2nd Annual IEEE Day of the IEEE Student Branch of the University of Vocational Technology on the occasion of 2020 IEEE Day.
In this pandemic situation, we decided this year IEEE DAY celebration virtual webinar series Image processing, Machine learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, and their applications, and about the projects that can be done by using those technologies for final year students.
2020 IEEE āļ¯ිāļąāļē āļąිāļ¸ිāļ්āļෙāļą් āˇෘāļ්āļීāļē āļාāļ්āˇāļĢ āˇිāˇ්āˇ āˇිāļ¯්āļēාāļŊāļēේ IEEE āˇිāˇ්āļē āˇාāļාāˇේ 2 āˇāļą āˇාāļģ්āˇිāļ IEEE āļ¯ිāļąāļē āˇැāļ¸āļģීāļ¸āļ§ āļ āļ´ි āļāļļāļ§ āļāļģාāļ°āļąා āļāļģāļą්āļąෙāļ¸ු.
āļ´āˇāļිāļą āļ¸ෙāļ¸ āˇāˇāļą්āļāļ āļāļ්āˇāļē āˇේāļුāˇෙāļą් āļ¸ෙāļ¸ āˇāˇāļģේ IEEE āļ¯ිāļą āˇැāļ¸āļģුāļ¸ online āˇිāļ¯ුāļāļģීāļ¸āļ§ āˇංāˇිāļ°ාāļąāļē āļāļģ āļāļ.
āļ¸ෙāˇිāļ¯ී Image Processing, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Neutral Network āˇāˇ āļāˇාāļēේ āļēෙāļ¯ුāļ¸් āļ āˇāˇāļą් āˇāˇāļģ āˇිāˇුāļą්āļේ āˇ්āļēාāļ´ෘāļි āˇāļ¯āˇා āļˇාāˇිāļා āļිāļģීāļ¸ āļ´ිāļŊිāļļāļ¯āˇ āļ¯ැāļąුāˇāļ් āļිāļģීāļ¸ේ āļ¯ේāˇāļą āļ¸ාāļŊාāˇāļ්āļ¯ āˇැāļŊāˇුāļ¸් āļāļģ āļāļ.